Looking for new homes in Aurora? Urban Collection at East Bend offers paired homes with contemporary easy access to nearby shopping, dining and new schools, as well as
E-470 and DIA.
District Location
District Information
Board of Directors
Jeff Kutzer Elected 2022 - 2025
2641 E Uintah St, Box 9001
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
Pay Metropolitan District Fees
Set up bill pay through your bank.
Make sure that you include your
account number and send to:
Belleview Village Metro District
8930 E. Crescent Parway, Suite 300,
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Mail a check directly to:
Belleview Village Metro District
8930 E. Crescent Parway, Suite 300,
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Click HERE to pay online using Google Chrome (website is not compatible with other browsers.)
Your account number is your login and the numeric portion of your mailing address is your password:
- If making a payment, please make sure that pop-ups are allowed
- Go to Payment Options
- Make a payment
- There is a service fee of $2.00 or 2.5% whichever is greater.
For billing questions please call or email:
303-779-5710 billingservices@claconnect.com